Priory Point and Canal Foot

Canal Foot near Ulverston is a popular and very accessible mark where the channel is normally fairly close inshore. The fishing is predominantly for flounder which can be taken from April through to December. It fishes best on the flood tide and can be fished right up to high water. There’s good parking and the proximity of the pub no doubt contributes to the appeal for some.

Travelling further west, the coast road from Ulverston to Barrow in Furness hugs the shoreline and provides access in several places – however the majority are very shallow and, apart from the odd deeper gulley here and there, the fishing is not really worth the effort.

The exception is Priory Point, near Bardsea, which provides more interesting ground and a gulley which passes close to the shore. Some good catches of flounder can be made from here, particularly later in the year, and there is always the outside chance of an occasional bass.